About O'dette

I’m Victoria Shoots, the Founder and Chief Mixer at O’dette. O’dette is a body care company that takes a twist on my mother’s middle name and pays homage to her for no other reason than just being. Being simultaneous smart, compassionate, beautiful, and flawed. Funny story though, my mom is not a fan of her middle name AT ALL. She actually questioned whether it was a smart decision for me to name a whole company after it. But isn’t it ironic how the things we dislike can be so beautiful to someone else? How the very things we try to hide about ourselves are the same places where people see our brightest light?
My intention behind O’dette is not just to create quality body care products that are an accessible luxury for you to try, love and use over and over again. The goal is to use the company as a way to foster community where we can see the fullness of ourselves and each other, while being reminded in big and small ways that the inner glow will find a way to shine through.
Thank you for joining this journey with me. I am forever grateful for your support.